Хэрэгтэй Англи хэлц үгс

1. On cloud nine- хөл нь газар хүрэхгүй байх.
When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine!
2. Like a dog whit two tails- маш их баярлах
When Paul won the first prize, he was like a dog whit two tails.
3. Down in the dumps- хэн нэгэн уйтгарлах
Alex has been down in the dumps since he failed his exam.
4. Grin from ear to ear- хангалуун, аз жаргалтай байх
When we saw Paul grinning from ear to ear, we knew he had Passed.
5. Happy-go-lucky- хөгжилтэй, зовох юмгүй байх
He is happy-go-lucky short of guy- always in good humor.
6. Your heart sink- гутарсан, аж жаргалгүй байх
My heart sank when I saw the amount of work waiting for me.
7. A lump in your throat- хоолой зангирах
The speech was so touching that I had a lump in your throat.
8. Music to your ears- хүний чихэнд чимэгтэй сонсогдох
9. Never looked back- аз жаргалтай үргэлжлүүлэх
Since the day she decided to work from home, she has never looked back.
10. Over the moon – хөл нь газар хүрэхгүй байх.
We were all over the moon when we heard good news.
11. Go overboard- хэтрүүлэх
12. Paint the town red- гадуур наргих
To celebrate the victory, the team’s supporters painted the town red.
13. In stitches- элгээ хөштөл инээх
The story was so funny, everyone was in stitches.
14. Thrilled to bits- маш их талагдах
Julie was thrilled to bits when her project was selected.
15. Tickled pink- магнай хагартал баярлах
16. Time of your life- өөрөө өөртөө сэтгэл хангалуун байх
The kids had the time of their lives at Disneyland.
17. In bad shape- энгийн бодит байдалд
18. Get yourself back into shape- эрүүл чийрэг болох
19. Full of beans- цовоо сэргэлэн байх
20. Black out- ухаан балартах
21. Feel blue- гуньсан, гутарсан
22. Kick the bucket- хадан гэртээ очих
He will inherit when his grandfather kicks the bucket.
23. Clean bill of health- эрүүл хэвийн гэж үзэх
24. Be off color- царай зүс алдах
25. Go off the deep end- гэнэт ууртай болох, сэтгэл хөдлөх
26. Drop like flies- өвчин тусах, үхэх
There is an epidemic of flu at the moment. Senior citizens are dropping like flies.
27. Hit the dust- үхэлд хамаарах инээдэмтэй арга
28. Back on one’s feet- эрүүл болох
29. Have a frog in one's throat- хоолой сөөнгөтөх
30. Hale and hearty- тэнхлүүн толиотой байх
My grandmother is still hale and hearty at the age of ninety.
31. Have a hangover- шартах
32. Hard of hearing- сонсгол муутай байх
You'll have to speak louder to Mr. Jones. He's a bit hard of hearing.
33. Be on one’s last legs- амь тавихын даваан дээр
34. Like death warmed up- өвчтэй эсвэл ядарсан харагдах
My boss told me to go home. He said I looked like death warmed up.
35. Living on borrowed time- үхэх шахсан осол эсвэл өвчний дараах үе
After heart surgery, some patients say they're living on borrowed Time.
36. Look the picture of health- үнэхээр бүрэн дүүрэн эрүүл харагдах
37. Go nuts- хачин мунхаг, ууртай, солиотой болох
38 Go under the knife- мэс засал хийлгэх
39. Off color- өвчтэй харагдах эсвэл санагдах
What's the matter with you Tom? You look a bit off color today.
40. Have pins and needles- хөл гар эрвэгнэх
41. In the pink of health- эрүүл саруул байх
Caroline looked in the pink of health after her holiday.
42. Pull through- эдгэрэх илаарших
43. Pushing up the daisies- үхсэн, нас нөхцсөн
Old Johnny Barnes? He's been pushing up the daisies for over 10
44. Right as rain- мaш сайн эрүүл мэнд эсвэл нөхцөл байдал
"I called to see my grandmother, thinking she was ill, but she was right as rain.
45. Run down- энгийн бодит нөхцөлд
46. Take a turn for the worse- өвчин нь хүндрэх
47. Touch-and-go- үр дүн нь тодорхойгүй
48. Under the weather- сайхан санагдахгүй байх